Thursday, November 18, 2010

Resume and cover letter tips

Resume and cover letter tips

Solve employer's needs.
The employer cares more about what you can do for them than what you have done in the past so be sure to mention what you can do for them in the cover letter.

Show them the benefits of your skills.
Don't just list your duties, but show how what you did benefited the company.

Keep the most relevant information near the top of the resume.
For example, if you're looking for a position where past experience is more relevant and important than education, then list it first.

Be specific if possible.
Don't make a resume over a page or two long, but if there is relevant information such as how much you saved the company, then include it.

Make it look nice.
Don't use more than 2 font sizes. Make sure everything looks organized and pleasing to the eye.

Don't use generic cover letters.
Fine tune your cover letter so it addresses the specific skills the employer requests. If they don't see what they are specifically looking for, they'll probably not consider your resume.

Have someone else look it over.
You might have omitted a word or have a typo that you overlooked. A friend could also offer some ideas on how tweaking something could improve your resume.

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