Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jack Canfield: How to Get Rich

Learn how to get rich in one minute!

Youtube video courtesy of BetterLifeCoaches

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Four Pillars of Success from Steve Maraboli

Steve Maraboli's Four Pillars of Success

Steve has his own radio show at A Better Today. Below is a video of him talking about what it takes to have success:

Youtube video courtesy of mikeyj725

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Article from The secrets to a super-happy winter

Here is a nice article about beating the winter blues from

Freezing temps? Check. Gray skies? Check. Crabby mood? Check again. But not for long!

It may be gloomy outside, but your outlook doesn't have to be:

"There are simple things you can do to stay positive," says Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, and author of "The How of Happiness."

"It's important to keep your mood up because it can help you avoid everything from gaining extra pounds to feeling lethargic."

Try these techniques to stay sunny all winter long -- no trip to the Bahamas required!

Step #1: Winterize your workout

It can be tough to muster the motivation to make it to the gym when the temperature is below zero. But "exercise can boost your mood, and you need that lift even more during the winter," says Patricia Laguna, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton.
If you have S.A.D., you're hibernating Laguna suggests that you give yourself some incentive. Jot down an exercise schedule at the beginning of the week, varying the type of sweat fest to keep it interesting; then reward yourself with a small treat, like a mani-pedi, when you stick to it.

And consider braving the elements: Research shows that exercising outside can lift your spirits, but if the weather won't cooperate, keep a go-to exercise DVD on hand.

Step #2: Eat your way upbeat

Try to resist the call of fatty, sugary comfort fare. Highly refined carbs and sugar can wreak havoc on your blood sugar level, which can leave you feeling cranky, says Elizabeth Somer, R.D., author of "Eat Your Way to Happiness."

Some comfort foods, however, can double as healthy pick-me-ups, especially if they contain mood-boosting nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, good carbohydrates (think whole grains and vegetables), protein, and B vitamins.

Sommers suggests oatmeal for breakfast, because it contains fiber-rich whole grains that increase serotonin, a feel-good chemical in your brain, and it steadies your blood sugar level. For dinner, toss omega-3-rich salmon with whole-wheat pasta.

Step #3: Get your group on

Bears may hibernate, but we humans weren't meant to hide away in our dens all winter. In fact, socializing is a very powerful way to boost your mood, says Dr. Esther Sternberg, M.D., author of "The Balance Within."

Instead of holing up in your house until spring, set aside some time each day for a "buddy moment," whether that's grabbing a quick lunch with a co-worker or meeting your sister for a Spinning class. Establishing "get together" routines also helps, Sternberg adds: Start a wine-tasting club, or invite friends over for a dance-workout party.

Step #4: Relish winter's pleasures

Hot toddies! Warm woolen mittens! Ice-skating! Taking the time to savor the most amazing things about this season can make you more content, Lyubomirsky says.

"When you enjoy rather than dread what's around you, your optimistic thoughts will start trumping your negative ones," she explains.

Next time your mind starts to drift toward your numb toes and nose, refocus on the positive -- you'll be able to sip tea in front of a crackling fire as soon as you get home.

Step #5: Anticipate a great escape

There's not a whole lot to look forward to after all the holiday hubbub. (Presidents Day? C'mon!) So start hatching a scheme to skip town now: Planning a trip -- or even just thinking about one in the future -- can make you happier, according to a study in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life.

If you can spare the time and cash for a getaway, book one ASAP. If not, start researching a late-spring or summer expedition, because even thinking about it will be magic for your mood.

Stay on top of flight deals on, and sign up for private sale travel sites like and for insider prices.

Step #6: Dress for the weather

Sure, stuffing yourself into a down parka can make you feel (and, OK, look!) like the abominable snowman. But staying warm is a surprising secret to feeling merry.

"Winter's cold can make you feel sluggish because of the increased energy demand on your body," says Dr. Vincent Pedre, M.D., a clinical instructor of medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City.

For the easiest spirit-lifter, bundle up; don't leave home without your scarf, gloves, and hat.

Step #7: See the light

Dim days got you down? A lack of vitamin D could be to blame. Your body produces D -- which has been shown to help regulate mood -- when your skin is exposed to UVB light.

But in the winter, the sun's rays aren't strong enough in the northern half of the United States to power D production. Ask your doc for a simple blood test to see if you're deficient, and talk to her about taking a supplement if you are.

Beyond the D factor, sunlight increases levels of serotonin and also works to suppress melatonin, a chemical that makes you drowsy, explains Norman Rosenthal, MD, author of Winter Blues.

To get your fill, consider investing in a light box, which can help combat sluggishness. And be sure to pop outside whenever you do spot some rays.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Using the principles he teaches, T. Harv Eker went from zero to millionaire in o Using the principles he teaches, T. Harv Eker went from zero to millionaire in only 2 1/2 years! He combines a unique brand of 'street-smarts with heart'. T. Harv Eker is the founder and president of Peak Potentials Training, the fastest growing personal development company in North America.

Youtube video courtesy of mrblue37

Friday, December 17, 2010

Denis Waitley: Winners

What are the differences between winners and losers? Check out this clip of a lecture by Denis Waitley to learn what qualities a winner has!

Youtube video courtesy of louwrens76

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jack Canfield: The Success Principles

Jack Canfield: The Success Principles

Youtube video courtesy of BetterLifeCoaches

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wayne Dyer and Tony Robbins Interview Part 2

Here is part 2 of the Wayne Dyer and Tony Robbins interview:

Youtube videos courtesy of LaurieJames

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Discussion with Anthony Robbins and Wayne Dyer

Two of the greatest self help gurus Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer together:

Youtube videos courtesy of LaurieJames

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Do you have a lack of will?

Why will some people be successful and some will not?  Vince Lombardi said "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."

If losing weight is one of your goals, do you have the will to succeed in getting healthy and fit?  Are you going to exercise and eat healthy?  If you have the will, you are in the right mindset to achieve these goals. Make the decision to go after your goals and it'll carry you through all the steps needed to reach that goal.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Emotional Freedom Technique

I have been hearing a lot about "Emotional Freedom Technique" (EFT) lately. Maybe it's a sign from the universe to give it a try. Here's a youtube clip that gives you an introduction to EFT:

Youtube video courtesy of huskavarna

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ways to improve credit score.

Ways to improve credit score.

Your financial decisions can effect your credit score. Your credit score is important because it could affect your ability to get a loan and how much interest you'll have to pay. It could also affect getting insurance or even getting a job (potential employers can look at it). You can get free reports from each of the 3 bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion yearly. Go to which will link you to these sites. It is best to choose 1 every 4 months to keep a look out for any red flags. So, how can you raise your score? Here a few tips:

Pay your bills on time. Don't let anything get turned over to a collection agency.

Don't max out your credit lines. Don't let your balance exceed 50% of the max credit limit.

Apply for a credit limit increase. That will make it easier to do the above.

Have at least one credit card account in excellent standing.

Don't apply for store cards.

Learn more at for more ideas.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Simple Tips to Reduce Stress

Simple Tips to Reduce Stress

Try one of these tension-tamers:

1. Walk. Get just 2 hours of brisk activity a week to see an improvement in your mental health.  The benefits will be even better if you can walk outside.

2. Meditate on peace. Imagine being at a quiet beach or any place that would make you feel relaxed.

3. Turn off all the noise such as TV's, radios and your cellphone to help quiet your mind.

4. Eat better. Make sure you get all your vitamins & minerals for optimal mental health.

5. Relax your shoulders. You might not notice the tension in your shoulders until you purposely relax them

6. Say no. Don't over commit yourself, especially during this Holiday season.

7. Try yoga. Stretching and deep breathing will make you feel great

8. Learn a new thing. Taking time in a garden or learning woodworking can give you a sense of accomplishment and take your mind off stressful things going on.

9. Talk to someone. This will provide a release and a fresh prospective.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How we become failures and how we become successful

Jim Rohn says a failure is a few errors in judgement repeated every day. Doing one bad habit may not affect you the one day, but it can add up without you noticing right away. You can eat one piece of cake and not really affect your health. But, have 3 pieces of cake a day for 3 months, you might notice you are carrying around several extra pounds and you're not feeling as well you should. The secret of success is a few good habits practised every day. Each day they'll gather momentum and one success will lead to another. One good habit can also affect other areas in your life because it'll inspire you to improve in other areas of your life. So for example, if you improve your health, that success will inspire you and you might be more motivated to improve your finances.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Importance of Affirmations

Affirmations can help you to improve your life. However, we tend to unintentionally say negative affirmations every day. If you tell yourself you can't do it, or say things like "I'm lazy" it only makes it worse because subconscious mind accepts what you said as true. Positive affirmations help your conscious and subconscious mind to help transform your habits in order to make what you say come true. Throughout the rest of the day, try to keep any negative thoughts out of your mind because they can negate the positive affirmations.
Here are some tips for doing affirmations:

Keep it in the present tense. Don't say "I'm going to be wealthy" so something believable but also in the present tense like "wealth is coming to me more and more".

Visualize whenever possible. If one of your affirmations is I weigh 140 pounds, imagine stepping on the scale and seeing that number or visualize yourself looking into a mirror and seeing the slender version of you.

Don't include negative words such as "Don't, No, or Not". Your subconscious don't understand negative, so if you say "I am not broke" all your subconscious hears is "BROKE".

Monday, November 29, 2010

How to be more lucky

What is the difference between luck and chance? Brian Tracy says luck is actually probabilities. Gambling is more like chance because there is little if any control on your part over the outcome. But with luck, you control the probabilities. If you set goals, your probability for success is greater. If you treat others well, the probability of having a good relationship with them is better. If you eat better food, the probability of you being healthy is greater.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Importance of Saving Money

Saving Money

You have a choice how to spend your money.  But in order to reach your financial goals, you should have a spending plan. Write down your expected cash flow and determine where you will spend it before you receive it. This should help you cut down on the everyday spending, such as that soda from the vending machine at work, which you probably don't realize can add up to a significant portion of your earnings. Don't be afraid to save because you are actually "buying" something great - financial security. So, as you have heard, you should pay yourself first and make saving a priority over other expenses. So live below your means with a realistic budget that balances your current and financial means. Start saving now and watch your saving grow!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving and the benefits of gratitude

Today we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States. It's time to take a moment and reflect on what you are grateful for. Gratitude is important and I thought I'd share some benefits of bringing gratitude into your life.

You feel better.  This is probably obvious, but it's true.  Spend 5 minutes thinking of all the things you are thankful for and then see if you feel better than when you started. And the opposite is also true.  Spend 5 minutes complaining about everything that is not going well in your life, and see how you feel afterwards.  Probably not as good as you did 5 minutes ago, right?

You will boost your health. There have been studies that show optimism leads to a better immune function.  A way to stop the production of stress chemicals that can cause harm to your body is by practising gratitude.

You will reduce stress. Those that have practised gratitude can better deal with stress.  Stress brings more stress, so if you reduce your stress now, you'll have less stress to deal with later.

You'll bring more things to be grateful for into your life. There was a quote in the movie "The Secret" that said something like "Whatever you think about and thank about you bring about".  For those that don't know, "The Secret" is a documentary about the "law of attraction", which basically means you'll bring into your reality what you think about.  So what thoughts are you thinking today?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Practical money saving tips

Practical money saving tips.

Manage costs of the necessities. Buy generic, use coupons and buy items when on sale when at the grocery store. Compare insurance rates to see if you can get it for less. Get rid of your land line if you don't use it much.

Try negotiation. Call your cable company and ask for a lower rate. Apply for a lower mortgage rate. Ask for a discount at stores if you know you can get it for less at their competition or if the product has a little defect. If you pay cash for bigger ticket items, ask if you can get a cash discount.

Cut out interest and fees whenever possible. Don't use an ATM that charges $2 to withdraw $20. Use free checking at your bank. Some banks offer online bill pay and you can save money on stamps. Pay off your credit card every month so you're not paying interest on food you ate a few months ago.

Pay less taxes - Legally of course. Just do the research ( has the tax laws on their site) of what deductions you can take like the home buyer tax credit and deductions for charitable donations.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What matters is what you do now

Tony Robbins says "your past does not equal your future. What matters is not yesterday, but what you do right now".

So, yes you may have had some failures. Learn from your mistakes. Just because you didn't have success in trying something in the past doesn't mean you'll always fail. If you make an effort to put positive changes into your life, you'll have a better chance of being successful in the future.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How to get into a better mood.

How to get into a better mood.

Ugh! It's Monday, your alarm clock failed and now you're running late, the roads are bad, you can't find the keys and computer isn't working... Sounds like a bad day right? Well instead of reaching for the chips and ice cream, here are a few ideas to get you out of a bad mood.

Do something nice for someone else. Studies show doing something nice for someone releases feel-good hormones in the body.

Take a time out. It may not always be possible, but if you can take a few moments to close your eyes and get into a peaceful mindset, it will help you feel better.

Take a few deep breaths. Like I mentioned above, you may not be able to get away for a mini-meditation, but you can almost always take a few relaxing breaths.

Relax. Sometimes you just need to a little selfish and take some time for yourself. Take a hot bath, get a massage or read a book.

Write in a journal. Sometimes you just need to vent, and writing it out may help you come to a resolution to the issues in your life.

Count your blessings. You'll probably not want to "think positive" when you're in one of those low moods, but try your best because you may realize it's not so bad after all.

Laugh and smile. Just the action laughing and/or smiling can trick yourself into feeling better. If you need some inspiration, look up "babies laughing" or "adorable pets" or anything that will bring a smile to your face on the internet.

Youtube video courtesy of genesee99

Youtube video courtesy of cheezburger

Kaizen Principal

The Japanese have a principal called the "Kaizen" principal. The word kaizen means improvement. The idea is to make small improvements every day. It is an on-going improvement process. Can you make a very small step towards improvement? And then the next day take another step? Eventually all these small steps will lead to a big improvement, but you'll barely notice the extra effort since you took very small steps towards it. The momentum will make it easier and easier to keep going and create faster and more results. So try exercising for 1 extra minute or increase your productivity at work just a little bit today.

One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way

Kaizen: The Key To Japan's Competitive Success

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tip from Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy offers this suggestion: Write down 10 goals you would like to accomplish in the next 12 months. Then, ask yourself if you could only accomplish one goal on this list in 24 hours, which one would you choose and which one would have the most positive impact on your life? Circle that goal, then on another piece of paper, write that goal at the top and brainstorm everything you can think of to achieve that goal. Make sure you do something to work toward that goal every day.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

You can do it!

You can do it!

Think about your "limitations" and excuses why you can't do something. Then watch this video and think if your limitations really do hold you back.

Youtube video from harrish0789

Friday, November 19, 2010



You may have heard of "SMART" goals before. SMART is an acronym for aspects goal should have.  Here is what it means:


So, let's use losing weight as an example.

Specific: Don't say "I want to lose weight", but say "I want to weigh ___ pounds".

Measurable: The example above also is a measurable goal because you'll know when you have reached your goal.

Attainable: You're not realistically going to lose 10 pounds in 3 days, so choose something you know is attainable (a good weight loss goal would be 1/2 pound to a pound a week, 2 pounds if you have over 100 pounds to lose).

Timely: You can say you're going to lose 20 pounds, but you should have a target date so it keeps you going, otherwise it might take you 5 years. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Resume and cover letter tips

Resume and cover letter tips

Solve employer's needs.
The employer cares more about what you can do for them than what you have done in the past so be sure to mention what you can do for them in the cover letter.

Show them the benefits of your skills.
Don't just list your duties, but show how what you did benefited the company.

Keep the most relevant information near the top of the resume.
For example, if you're looking for a position where past experience is more relevant and important than education, then list it first.

Be specific if possible.
Don't make a resume over a page or two long, but if there is relevant information such as how much you saved the company, then include it.

Make it look nice.
Don't use more than 2 font sizes. Make sure everything looks organized and pleasing to the eye.

Don't use generic cover letters.
Fine tune your cover letter so it addresses the specific skills the employer requests. If they don't see what they are specifically looking for, they'll probably not consider your resume.

Have someone else look it over.
You might have omitted a word or have a typo that you overlooked. A friend could also offer some ideas on how tweaking something could improve your resume.

Sharpen your mind with these foods

Here are some foods that are good for your brain!

Brown Rice
Dark Chocolate
Citrus Fruits

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

5 Ways to Make Extra Money

5 Ways to Make Extra Money

First, look around your house for things you don't use anymore. The smaller stuff (small enough to ship) can be sold on ebay. For the bigger things like that old desk, you can put it on Anything that doesn't sell on ebay or Craigslist can go in a garage sale.

Rent a room in your house. It'll be a little inconvenient, and you might have to sacrifice your privacy, but you can get a few hundred extra dollars a month that will pay a good portion of your mortgage.

Umpire for youth sports such as softball. No long term commitment (most seasons are only a couple months long) and most games are in the evening, so it fill fit into your schedule if you have a day job.

Deliver papers. You'll have to get up early, but you can keep your full time job.

If you're a crafty type you can create products like jewelry or t-shirts and sell them on

How to sleep better

How to sleep better

Turn off the computers and TV - the light can prevent you from falling asleep.

Go to bed at the same time every day otherwise your sleep/wake cycle can get out of sync.

Avoid coffee and chocolate after noon. If you need a pick-me-up in the afternoon, chew a piece of mint gum, or have a snack with protein such as celery and peanut butter.

Need a late night snack?  Try turkey because is has tryptophan, an amino acid that helps your body relax and go to sleep. Whole grains are also a good bedtime snack to help you sleep because it keeps your blood pressure steady.

Take some time for yourself.  Take a hot bath, listen to calm music or any thing that decreases stress and makes you feel relaxed.

Avoid to-dos right before bed.  A bunch of unfinished tasks will make you feel anxious and send your mind racing, which will make it more difficult to sleep.

Exercise at least 20 minutes a day.  Don't exercise too late or it will actually make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ways to lower your blood pressure

Ways to lower your blood pressure

Just 30 minutes of brisk walking a day can decrease your blood pressure.

Eat more apples:
The fiber, potassium, Vitamin A and Vitamin C can help reduce blood pressure.

Cut back on salt:
Read labels and look for low sodium versions of foods, or avoid processed food all together.

Eat more dark chocolate:
According to studies, this actually helps!

Reduce noise:
Noise can sub-consciously make us stressed and can cause a raise in blood pressure. Loud noises even when sleeping can cause a spike in blood pressure, so make sure you don't sleep with the TV on or with the windows open if you live in an urban neighborhood.

Benefits of deep breathing

Benefits of deep breathing

Taking in a few deep breaths can calm you down.

Deep breathing increases the speed of your metabolism. In order for metabolism to work, it needs oxygen.

It can lower your blood pressure.

It also helps you have a clearer mind.

Deep breathing can increase your energy level.

Deep breathing also releases natural painkillers into the body.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fast Weight Loss Tips

Here are some fast weight loss tips from diethealth:

Here are the 3 top tips to lose weight:

Nutrition: Keep intake of sugar and processed food to a minimum.
Exercise: Boost metabolism by getting whole body moving.
Lifestyle: Ask yourself if your routine something you can do the rest of your life?

Tips to not feel hungry when losing weight

Many people want to lose a few pounds and in order to do so, you have to take in less calories than you burn. Unfortunately that means you might experience some hunger. Here are a few tips to not feel hungry when on a diet.

Drink Water: Sometimes you are not actually hungry, but thirsty. Also, the calorie-free water can make your stomach feel fuller.

Engage your sense of smell. Sniff some peppermint extract or some coffee grains. That may be enough to satisfy the craving.

Have more fiber. Fiber will make you feel fuller, so you won't eat as much

Eat slower. By the time you're half way done, you may realize you are no longer hungry. You can put the rest away for later. If you eat fast, you might eat the whole thing before you realize you could have stopped earlier.

Stay away from food whenever possible. Don't keep a candy dish on your desk. If it's out of sight, it will be more likely to be out of mind.

Chew gum.  It will give you some flavor and something to chew on, but only a few calories.

Get more sleep. Your willpower will not be as strong when you're sleep deprived. Your body will also be looking for "energy", which can cause you to reach for food to keep you going.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Enjoying Success

Welcome!  This blog will share ideas on how to enjoy more success in all areas of life including health, wealth, relationships and more...  Stay tuned!