Monday, November 22, 2010

How to get into a better mood.

How to get into a better mood.

Ugh! It's Monday, your alarm clock failed and now you're running late, the roads are bad, you can't find the keys and computer isn't working... Sounds like a bad day right? Well instead of reaching for the chips and ice cream, here are a few ideas to get you out of a bad mood.

Do something nice for someone else. Studies show doing something nice for someone releases feel-good hormones in the body.

Take a time out. It may not always be possible, but if you can take a few moments to close your eyes and get into a peaceful mindset, it will help you feel better.

Take a few deep breaths. Like I mentioned above, you may not be able to get away for a mini-meditation, but you can almost always take a few relaxing breaths.

Relax. Sometimes you just need to a little selfish and take some time for yourself. Take a hot bath, get a massage or read a book.

Write in a journal. Sometimes you just need to vent, and writing it out may help you come to a resolution to the issues in your life.

Count your blessings. You'll probably not want to "think positive" when you're in one of those low moods, but try your best because you may realize it's not so bad after all.

Laugh and smile. Just the action laughing and/or smiling can trick yourself into feeling better. If you need some inspiration, look up "babies laughing" or "adorable pets" or anything that will bring a smile to your face on the internet.

Youtube video courtesy of genesee99

Youtube video courtesy of cheezburger

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