Saturday, January 15, 2011

How to get people to like you

Success is often a result of good relationships. In order to have great relationships, you need to be someone that people want to have a relationship with. How can you get people to like you more?

The best way is to be cheerful. Smile and say hello and make them feel like you're happy to see them.

Talk about them. People like to talk about their favorite topic - themselves! Their other favorite subjects are THEIR favorite subjects. So if someone is a fan of golf, ask them what they thought about last weekend's PGA tournament or what golf courses they recommend. They also like the sound of their name, so whenever possible, use their name (but don't over do it so it sounds fake).

Focus on the positive. Give them compliments. Use humor and laughter to lighten the mood.

Here are a few DON'Ts:

Don't complain. People get tired of someone who always complains.

Don't argue. No one likes to feel like they're wrong. If you have 2 choices - to be right or to be kind, choose being kind (I believe Wayne Dyer said this).

Don't gossip behind their back. The negative things said today could eventually make it back to them.

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