Saturday, March 26, 2011

Benefits of Smiling

What is your reaction to seeing a baby? Unless they are crying, usually your reaction is to smile! You naturally want to connect with the baby and try to get them to smile back. Why not try to same thing with adults (except maybe not use your baby voice)? Here are some benefits of smiling:

Smiling improves your mood.
Fake it to you make it and your mood will follow. Put a smile on your face and you will stay positive. Friends, family and co-workers feel better being around positive people. Smiling can also make you feel better about yourself. Smile at yourself in the mirror and you will feel more love towards yourself.

Smiling has physical benefits.
Smiling relieves stress and even can make your feel better physically. It boosts your immune system and smiling can even lower your blood pressure. Try smiling right now and see if it makes you feel more relaxed? Smiling will also cause positive chemical reactions in your body. It releases endorphins which are natural pain killers and it also releases serotonin which is the chemical that many anti-depressants help release. Why rely on a pill when you can do it naturally?

Smiling improves your appearance.
A person always looks better with a smile on their face and makes them more approachable. It makes you look younger because it's like a natural face lift. When you are smiling it makes you appear more confident, which make you more successful because confident people are more successful.

So make a note to smile more today and see if it improves your life.

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